Keep your hormones in balance with this DIY product.

Keep your hormones in balance with this DIY product.

What you put on your skin, not only goes directly into the body, but also bypasses the 1st pass through the liver for detox; atleast the toxins we ingest go through the GI tract first, not so with entry through the skin!

Now that we are in the full swing of summer, beach days, outdoor BBQs, sunny day activities, and running errands in and out of the heat of the car, it’s important to keep our lady (and male) parts comfortable; starting with preventing nasty body odor and sweat stained shirts.

Most conventional deodorants (anything you would buy in a supermarket) contain aluminum salts which are linked to breast cancer (the word is still out on this but why take the risk), and block our pores (sweat ducts) so our body’s natural detoxification process is hindered. Some of the results of toxic build-up in the body are weight gain, skin breakouts, hormonal imbalances, and excessive sweating.  

Please note: conventional deodorant is NOT a product that anyone should be using, especially the young women in your life who are growing and developing.  There are so many other factors (such as nutrition, stress, erratic lifestyle, environmental toxins, and birth control) that can lead to hormonal imbalances – do not let deodorant add to this as well.

For a while, I switched to a natural deodorant but at $5 – $6/stick, it can get expensive quickly.

 I came across this recipe and it works like a charm (and is super inexpensive & easy to make!) Stink, be gone!
Homemade deodorant:
  • 1/2 baking soda
  • 1/2 coconut oil (equal parts).
  • Mix it with a spoon or hand mixer (no need to melt the coconut oil).
  • Put it in a little tub and apply daily with your fingers. 
  • *You can add some essential oils (I prefer Lavender) for an extra sweet scent.


diy-homemade-deodorant-L-4O0s15Try it out and let me know how it works for you!
I am thoroughly impressed.
To your Health,
