Hello Sweet Friends –
On this beautiful Monday morning I feel inspired to share a subject that is extremely close to my heart.
Why Can’t YOU Lose Weight?
And trust me, I know its not because of WILL POWER
or because you’re not TRYING hard enough.
My journey to wellness included (but was not limited to) acne, sugar addiction, trouble losing weight, mental fog, poor memory, eczema, blood sugar highs and lows, food cravings, and emotional eating. I spent 7 years trying everything under the sun to get the body, energy and peace of mind I so craved but nothing worked, yes, I saw huge improvements as my diet and lifestyle improved but I never found the thing that I was willing to stand behind 100%.
Now I have.
Removing wheat from my diet has drastically changed my life.
Yes, I know that is a massive, intense statement but I’m standing behind it…and let me tell you why.
Wheat (in addition to sugar and dairy) is one of the top food sensitivities people have that are causing inflammation throughout their entire body. Inflammation occurs when your body is having an immune response and there is heat, energy and swelling concentrated in the area your body wants to heal & repair. Our bodies are incredible, self-healing mechanisms but they cannot do the work when we are eating foods that create an inflammatory response.
Dr. William Davis, a preventative cardiologist, wrote the book “Wheat Belly” (which I highly recommend) where he explains how wheat has contributed to the poor health and obesity epidemic occurring in America.
“The national trend to reduce fat and cholesterol intake and increase carbohydrate calories has created a peculiar situation in which products made from wheat have not just increased their presence in our diets; they have come dominate our diets. For most Americans, every single meal and snack contains foods made with wheat flour. It might be the main course, it might be the side dish, it might be the dessert – and it’s probably all of them.
Wheat has become the national icon of health: “Eat more healthy whole grains,” we’re told, and the food industry happily jumped on board, creating “heart healthy” versions of all our favorite wheat products chock-full of whole grains.
The sad truth is that the proliferation of wheat products in the American diet parallels the expansion of our waists. Ask the USDA or the Surgeon General’s office and they will tell you that Americans are fat because they drink too many soft drinks, eat too many potato chips, drink too much beer, and don’t exercise enough. And those things may indeed be true. But that’s hardly the whole story.
Many overweight people, in fact, are quite health conscious. Ask anyone tipping the scales over 250 pounds: What do you happened to allow such incredible weight gain? You may be surprised at how many do not say “I don’t drink Big Gulps, eat Pop Tarts, and watch TV all day.” Most will say something like “I don’t get it. I exercise 5 days a week. I’ve cut my fat and increased my health whole grains. Yet I can’t seem to stop gaining weight!”
My friends, the reason is because of wheat! Wheat is no longer a whole, real food…..it breaks down into sugar and causes inflammation and weight gain. The wheat we are eating today is drastically different from the wheat of 100 or even 50 years ago that was harvested in big open plains. Many of our foods are now being produced by scientists in labs (this is where the term Genetically Modified comes in) and are no longer recognized as food by our body – here’s where the weight gain, lethargy, mental fog, and low spirits come into play.
Check out some testimonials here: http://www.wheatbellyblog.com/success-stories/
So what do we do? Cut it out!
If you are one of those individuals who says “I eat well and exercise regularly BUT I just can’t seem to get the body I’ve always wanted,” perhaps this is your answer.
I know it was mine.
3 Action Items to Remove Wheat from you Diet:
1. Start a food journal – with the documentation of just 1 week you will see where your greatest problem areas are.
2. Cut out the crap – go through your fridge and pantry and toss anything that contains wheat and gluten. These ingredients can often hide in salad dressings, sauces, soups and lunch meats.
3. Stock your kitchen FULL of goodness so when you get hungry you don’t have an OPTION to reach for the bad stuff. Add in all varieties and colors of fruits and vegetables, high quality, organic meat, fish & poultry, butter, eggs, avocado and coconut oil.
For many people, food cost becomes as issue when they start making dietary shifts. Look into your local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) at the farmer’s market; they offer a large box of produce for $35-$40 (you also can choose to add in meat & veggies).
Savings in your wallet and high quality food in your belly – Win, Win!
Right now, people are trusting the federal organizations to take care of them and when it comes to health it is NOT happening. It takes individuals who are passionate about wellness to start educating so YOU have the POWER to make a choice between conventional and holistic health. Many individuals believe there is ONLY one way and when the pharmaceutical drugs and science lab foods create illness, they feel stuck and at a dead end.
It’s just so not true, there’s another way – WELLNESS.
Everyone deserves the empowerment and education to live a vibrant, healthy, radiant life.
To vibrant & beautiful living,
Holistic Health Coach, Applied Clinical Nutritionist, Adventurer & Lover of Life <3
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Email me directly @ Carlyhealthcoach@gmail.com
Can’t wait to hear from you! XO
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