Why my health coaching business is changing.

Why my health coaching business is changing.

When I was a freshman in college and they asked what kind of work I wanted to do, I said “I want to work with people.” That ‘s about the only thing I was clear on.  

For a while, I thought this was going to look like managing bands through a big record label in NYC, but after a quick stint at SonyBMG I decided otherwise.  

I was an Event Coordinator for a personal development company in San Diego, worked in restaurants, as a nanny, and put on nutrition seminars in Austin until I finally decided to get into Health Coaching and start my own business.

For the past 3 years, I have run my online coaching business and worked with clients 1-on-1 to lead them down a path of nutrition, wellness, and vibrant living.  

I developed an online cleanse program called 12-Days to Sexy that has transformed the health of hundreds of people, and I have truly learned the ins and outs of running an online business and working remotely — meaning as along as I have internet access, I can make money; the beach in Costa Rica, the mountains of Montana, an ashram in India, you name it.

So over the past couple months, as we’ve been closing up shop in Austin and living on the road, something has been brewing and my attention has been shifting.

Here is how my health coaching business is changing and how I can best support you:

12-Days to Sexy

This program has been the foundation upon which much of my business is built and it’s not going anywhere in the near future.  However, instead of being run as a group program it is now available to work through whenever works best for you and your schedule.  

I moved all of my program content over to a new website called Teachable (I highly recommend this program for anyone creating online programs!) that delivers the program materials in the most effective and efficient way possible.  

That’s all I’m going to say about that program for now to respect the length of this post but if you have any other questions, just hit reply or check out the link above for a full program overview!

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The Sweet Life: Sugar-Free in 30 Days

This is the follow-up program to 12-Days to Sexy that has been in the works for quite a while now.  Just before we left Austin, I spent a month full-time creating and photographing all the recipes for the meal plans that are a part of this program.

Here’s how it is laid out:

Week 1: No processed sugars – no white bread, white sugars, etc.

Week 2: Whole food sweeteners like raw honey and maple syrup.

Week 3: ONLY fruit sugars.

Week 4: Zilch, zero, nada sugars. Just whole, real, nourishing foods.

Each week has an audio lesson, assignments, meal plan, and aspect of community connection through a private FB page.

By the end of the 4 weeks you will have an experience of HOW-TO and what it feels like to be sugar-free.  A powerful experience for us all!

Getting sugar out of my diet is hands down the thing that has made the most difference in my skin, weight, and energy. I will keep you posted on the progress over the next few months.

Young Living Essential Oils

I have been using essential oils for a couple years now but I don’t speak or share about them too often. I use them for digestion, stress-relief, energy, beauty care, travel, bug bites, and on and on it goes but still, I tend to keep them to myself.

And here is why, I live in the world of wellness…my Facebook feed is flooded with green juices, essential oils, yoga, meditation, and spirituality, and I thought perhaps, people don’t want another person sharing about how the oils benefit and enhance their life.

And beyond that, MANY people have a negative connotation with network marketing companies and I know personally, I have completely written people off or unfriended them when they start talking about them.  

But here’s the thing, if I found out my friends, clients, FB friends, and ANYONE in my community was using Young Living oils, I would be ECSTATIC!!! I would be so happy they were replacing toxic chemicals and over-the-counter drugs with plant medicine.  

And I got to thinking, I am doing a disservice to my community by not sharing products I use and love simply because of what people may think about me.  Perhaps it’s time for me to take my own advice and just do what I want to do, without regard for how other people perceive me.

So here is my disclaimer, I am going to share more here about the oils, how I use them, how you can use them, and maybe even how you can make a business out of them, and if you’re not into that, stop reading now :).

Because there is one more component that has lead me to focus on the oils more and here it is……financial gain. Yes, I said it!

Simply by authentically sharing the oils by word of mouth with a few friends here and there, I consistently get $200 – $500 checks every single month. And honestly, I don’t do anything except let someone try an oil when I’m putting it on or tell my cleansers how to use Peppermint oil for headaches (because it is truly the best remedy!).

If I’m making that without hardly doing anything, what would be available if I actually gave it some time, energy, attention and love? Well now I am ready to find out!

So here is your invitation, if you either have interest in using the oils just for personal use or making a business out of them, let’s talk!

Just email me back and we can set up a call and see the best way for you to get started.  I will be creating training programs for both groups — personal use & business building so our conversation will help you decide which is best for you.

For those interested in making it a business, it’s not for everyone.  I want to talk to the people who want to leverage the internet and create a remote business they can run from anywhere.  That’s what excites me, that’s what inspires me, and it’s critical we are on the same page about that.

If you know you want to get going now, you can go ahead and sign-up here and I’ll reach out in the next couple days.

Cheers to the next chapter of growth, connection, and community!

Peace, Love & KALE,

Carly xo
