Hello Sunshines!
If you don’t already know about the INCREDIBLE health benefits to coconut oil, please allow me to shine some beautiful white light on the topic.
When it comes to Coconut Oil it is extremely important to separate fact from fiction.
We could survey the first 5 people reading this post about Coconut Oil and most likely receive 5 different responses on whether they believe it is beneficial or harmful for your health. There is widespread misconception that the saturated fat in coconut oil will raise your cholesterol and cause heart disease. Any research done that can actually “prove” the correlation between our sweet, versatile, creamy coconut oil and heart disease was done using hydrogenated coconut oil which we all know is toxic due to the hydrogenation process. When any food item is hydrogenized (think partially hydrogenated soybean oil), trans fatty acids (aka trans fats) are created which impede cell functionality, increase cholesterol levels and the risk of obesity and heart disease.
You see here my dear friends, any studies disproving the immense health benefits of Coconut Oil have been villifying our favorite oil while they should be putting their energies into taking down the maufacturing companies who create hydrogenated oils in the first place.
With that being said, let me explain which Coconut Oil you should be using, how, when, where & why?
What is Coconut Oil & Why should I use it?
Coconut Oil is a heart healthy food made from the meat of tropical coconuts.
It is so important to stress the health benefits of high quality, organic, fats in the diet and this specific oil helps to build resistance to viruses and bacteria, fight off yeast, fungus & candida, benefit hormones for our thyroid which assists metabolic function & energy levels, improve insulin use in the body, reduce sugar cravings which positively affects the regulation of blood sugar levels, make kitchen creations taste delicious, leave our hair & skin silky smooth and radiant, and increases digestion. Bet I have your attention now?!
So which one should you buy? Make sure the oil is:
– Extra Virgin
– USDA-certified- organic
– Fresh & Cold Pressed
How & Where do I use Coconut Oil?
1. In the kitchen
– For a healthy home kitchen, you only want to be utilizing 2 oils for food preparation: 1) Olive Oil and 2)Coconut Oil. Olive oil is wonderful to drizzle on your cooked food to add some monosaturated fats and delicious flavor, however, when cooked at high heat, olive oil goes through an oxidation process which damages the integrity of the oil and turns it rancid. Coconut Oil does not break down in the same way when heated! The #1 way you should start utilizing Coconut Oil in the kitchen is when cooking on the stove top with high heat (think stirfrys, eggs, sauteed meat & veggies). This point is so critical and revolutionary for your time spent creating tasty meals in the kitchen. Grab yourself a large jar of extra virgin, organic, high quality Coconut Oil and get to cooking!
2. In the bathroom
– Coconut oil works wonders for your hair, skin, mouth & entire body. Use it as a conditioner in the shower for smooth & shiny hair, as a face & body moisturizer, natural sunscreen, on your lips as chap stick, mix with baking soda for a natural teeth whitening paste, on your eyes as an eye makeup remover, rub inside your nose to assist with allergies & a runny nose, to prevent stretch marks, soothe burns, for oil pulling, and on acne or blemishes. The list goes on & on & on. Get creative!
3. In the bedroom
– Looking to make a switch from the sticky, chemical-laden, fake-flavored lubricants you are currently using to heat up the bedroom?! Look no further, Coconut is the best alternative for a smooth, tasty, natural lubricant.
When should I use Coconut Oil?
All day, every day…you can’t get too much off Coconut Oil’s glorious goodness!
I recommend having a jar of Coconut Oil ready and available in the kitchen, bathroom & bedroom at all times!
To vibrant & beautiful living,
Holistic Health Coach, Applied Clinical Nutritionist, Adventurer & Lover of Life <3
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