Chocolate Heaven Mousse


12 ounces dark chocolate (the darker the better, 70% cocoa works best)

2 teaspoons organic butter

10 egg whites from pastured (or at least organic) chickens

10 egg yolks from pastured (or at least organic) chickens

4 Tablespoons Lucuma powder (This is an exotic sweetener found at most Whole Foods or online at It imparts a lovely ice cream flavor to the mousse.)

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract


1 – In the top of a double boiler, melt the chocolate and butter on medium-low heat. Stirring often, until melted.

2 – In the meantime, in a large bowl, beat egg whites with an electric hand mixer until stiff peaks form. In a medium bowl, beat egg yolks, vanilla, and Lucuma powder.

3 – Slowly add melted chocolate to the egg yolk mixture (temper the yolks by starting with a small amount because you don’t want to cook the eggs); blend until combined.

4 – Add egg whites and mix until combined (At the beginning it doesn’t look like this is ever going to happen. Stay with it. They will blend together!).

5 – Scoop into a glass container and refrigerate until it sets.



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